• Doctors, Clinics, and Pharmacies

    Specializing in geriatric care

Specialized Stroke Rehab Center helping you to move beautifully again.

Conventional rehabilitation does not cognitively engage patients at the level of intensity necessary for their recovery. Leading experts in stroke therapy agree that receiving high intensity treatment as frequently as possible is key to your recovery. Our therapy is designed to utilize every unique movement you make, while engaging your brain under intensely enriched and emotionally stimulating environments. In fact, clinical studies have shown NeuroAnimation therapies to be 2x as effective as standard of care. Equipped with our experiences, you have the tools to show stroke what you’re made of.

As a patient of the center, you will experience state of the art care in a facility purpose built for redefining the standard of stroke therapy, and dedicated to helping you move beautifully again.

Visit our website for more information on the benefits of interacting with NeuroAnimation life forms.