RoseWood Village at Wintergreen


  • Active Adult Communities

    Homes built for easier living

  • Independent Living

    Communities that foster social connection

  • Senior Apartments

    Apartments designed for easy living

For you, retirement isn’t an end. It’s a whole new beginning.

You want to stay active, healthy, and connected.

You want to keep growing. RoseWood Village at Wintergreen is the perfect place to do all of the above. And then some.

Located near the four season Wintergreen Resort, our new, 55+ community is currently in phase one of development.

At completion, the community will be comprised of 25 golf villas, 50 condos, and a 36 unit assisted living facility. Nestled at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Nellysford, Virginia,

We aren’t just a place to live.

It’s a way of life-the life you’ve always dreamed of and anticipated.

The centerpiece of it all: the 27-hole Reese Jones Stoney Creek Golf Course.

Go ahead, pinch yourself. Your new home awaits on the 27th fairway.

Funding Sources

  • Private Funds