Homestead Village Grove City


  • Active Adult Communities

    Homes built for easier living

  • Senior Apartments

    Apartments designed for easy living

Now is the time to live the life you want to live.

Homestead Village Logo

Homestead Village offers an unique lifestyle by taking a creative approach to independent active 55+ living. We focus on this neighborly community by creating spaces and experiences that bring people together. The Village is a social, comfortable lifestyle that is affordable and convenient. Our common corridors can help you get your steps in and it is a whole new experience right outside your door. Choose from our cozy 1 bedroom 1 bathroom or 2 bedrooms 2 bathroom floor plans and enjoy the amenities that give you the life you want to live.

Lifestyle Amenities

  • Outside Walking Paths
  • Pets Allowed
  • Spa On-Site

Funding Sources

  • Private Funds