
6/18/2021 | By Seniors Guide Staff

Does your church community value its seniors? Many communities turn to their oldest members for advice and hold them up as pillars of the community. However, even these parishes often overlook their oldest members’ needs. Seniors Guide lists a few resources your church can use to make sure your senior parishioners are truly cared for.

Meeting Their Spiritual Needs

As we get older, our spiritual needs change. Here’s how to meet your senior members as they continue throughout their golden years.

Keeping Church Accessible

The physical impacts of age can make getting around more difficult for seniors. Here’s how to check that your church community is accessible for all members.

Keeping Seniors Safe at Home

If you only see your elderly members once a week, you may miss out on some of their major needs. Consider checking in on them and making sure they’re safe at home.

Helping Younger Parishioners Understand

Some parishioners may not truly understand the needs of their older church family. Here are some resources you can use to help educate them.

Make sure your church community does its part for its oldest members. We must value the insight and wisdom these parishioners hold. In doing so, we help every member of our church family to thrive.

Seniors Guide Staff

Seniors Guide has been addressing traditional topics and upcoming trends in the senior living industry since 1999. We strive to educate seniors and their loved ones in an approachable manner, and aim to provide them with the right information to make the best decisions possible.

Seniors Guide Staff