
7/3/2023 | By Kari Smith

Summer is here, and if you’re a dog owner, you probably want your pooch to enjoy the outdoors as much as you do! Here are a few ideas for how to safely have a fun summer with your dog.

1. Get on the water with your four-legged best friend.

Kayaking, canoeing, and stand-up paddle boarding can provide both of you with stimulating sights and smells for a memorable summer with your dog.

  • Safety first for both of you! After strapping on your own, put a dog life jacket on Fido as well.
  • Watch an instructional video first for tips on how to successfully paddle board with your pup. Practice on land first, whether in your yard or even in your home. Being comfortable on the board on solid ground will make a first-time SUP experience much easier and less frustrating! Be sure your dog is comfortable following commands on the board and on land before attempting in the water.

2. Find a hiking trail with water for splashing and refreshing.

Whether your hike is nearby or a pit stop on a summer road trip, do your research beforehand to find out if a new-to-you spot allows dogs and whether there are creeks, waterfalls, or other fun and cooling water sources nearby.

Australian shepherd in a Ruffwear cooling vest in the water at Pocahontas State Park, Virginia. From Annie Tobey, to illustrate the way to have a safe summer with your dog.
  • Your pup counts on you to keep him cool, so while packing your own cooling towels and clothing, check out cooling gear for dogs, such as gaiters, vests, and more made specifically for pups.
  • Bring enough water for yourself and your pup, to ensure that you both stay hydrated with clean, safe drinking water. You’ll also need a bit extra to use in your dog’s cooling gear, since cooling vest are “activated” with water.
  • Give your buddy breaks, too, and seek shade over sunshine.
  • Wear a fanny pack or belt bag with small dog treats or kibble to keep your pup motivated and rewarded!
  • Regardless of regular flea and tick prevention, ticks are likely to hop on to pets while hiking, especially on trails with high grass and vegetation nearby. Keep an eye on your dog while out hiking, and do a thorough tick check once your hike is completed.

3. Get a doggie splash pool or sprinkler pad for your pup.

  • Sprinkler pads are great for pups – and grandkids, too! Connect a typical garden hose and turn on for fun, cooling play!
  • An inexpensive wading pool offers an easy cooling option for a pet that may not prefer to be splashed. Purchase at a pet store, or purchase a kids’ wading pool at a department or discount store. These also work great for bathing dogs in warmer weather!
  • Be sure to choose a well-made, durable pool or sprinkler pad and trim your pets’ nails before using to help prevent tear or holes.
  • Empty the pool after use and clean regularly to ensure that mosquitos and other insects don’t use the leftover water as a breeding ground.

Related: Summertime pet safety tips

4. Beat the heat with frozen dog treats.

  • Stuff a fillable rubber dog toy (like a KONG) with your favorite dog-friendly treat, such as canned pumpkin. Freeze until pumpkin is solid, and give to your pup on a hot day after a walk.
  • Or for convenience, purchase prepackaged dog ice cream to keep in the freezer for a cooling treat. Be sure not to share human ice cream treats with dogs as they may contain ingredients such as chocolate or artificial sweetener Xylitol, which can be deadly for dogs.
  • On the road? While grabbing your iced coffee at Starbucks, grab a Puppuccino – a free dog treat at the chain. It’s really a small cup of whipped cream, and can be enjoyed safely in moderation by your pup. Ask your barista for just half a pup cup if you have a small dog or are concerned about your dog’s reaction to dairy.

5. Use cooling chew toys for both dogs and puppies.

  • Whether your dog is teething or just enjoys chew toys, pop a cooling teething toy into the freezer for those cool-down moments.
  • Put a bit of peanut butter or pumpkin puree onto a grooved chew toy to encourage your pup to chew.
  • Be sure to choose a durable toy that is meant to be frozen, and select the proper size for your dog.
  • Take an ice-filled cooler along on your outings to help him cool down after a hike or other activity.

Although your pup will enjoy moments of cooling down indoors in the air conditioning, use these tips to include your pooch in the fun of the dog days of summer!

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Kari Smith

Kari Smith is a frequent contributor to Seniors Guide, helping to keep those in the senior industry informed and up-to-date. She's a Virginia native whose love of writing began as a songwriter recording her own music. In addition to teaching music and performing in the Richmond area, Kari also enjoys riding horses and farming.

Kari Smith